
Boarding school is the “weird social experiment gone amazingly right” you need—and eight students’ reasons why.

Is Boarding School Really Like What You See In the Movies?

Eight students tell it like it really is.

Boarding schools can be a mysterious place to those without an inside view. Instead of telling you, in our words, what sort of impact a boarding school can have, we’ll let actual boarding school students speak for themselves.


1. It’s the push you need to go where you may not have gone on your own.

“Millions of opportunities are offered to you here, you just have to take the step to go for it and get it.” —Emily, Trinity College School


2. Boarding school doesn’t rely on the classroom to teach you things.

“I’ve always valued my education and strived to learn as much as I can, but this place has taught me many lessons that have proven invaluable, and most of them haven’t even taken place in the classroom.” — Zach Jennings, Hyde School


3. But the classroom is a powerful place. It’s a fast track to the best colleges in the nation.

Culver Academy opened the doors for the top colleges for her and full scholarships to Ivy League. The education is outstanding.” —Canterina ContiCulver Academy


4. You’ll learn who you really are…and why you’re amazing.

I came here to find my independence and self-confidence. I really feel that I opened up as a person here.” —JoliWestover School


5. And you’ll learn how to embrace others for who they are.

Porter’s is what I needed…being here has allowed me to grow confident, strong and, most importantly, kind.” —Christina T.Miss Porter’s School


6. You’ll broaden your horizons for all of the right reasons.

Be a servant of the world because it’s your responsibility as a human…not a box to check off for college.” —Kyle MasonCate School


7. It’s not all fun and games…but a lot of it is!

Field courses, outdoorsy adventure sports, small classes, extracurricular activities help shape this diverse yet connected learning environment. Where else can you kayak, rock climb, mountain bike, ski, do robotics, or hike as your required sports activities?” —Elizabeth CadwellThe White Mountain School


8. It’s weird and amazing and perfect—just like you.

Boarding is like a really weird social experiment gone amazingly right. You get to know people really well. You get to meet people you never would have met before.” —Max WinebrennerAsheville School


Ready to experience it for yourself? Find the school that’s right for you