When prospective students visit Dublin School, they are given a Moleskine notebook as a reminder of our effort to make Dublin a place where each student will write their own story - without the pressure of fitting into a mold or living up to other’s expectations. Dublin nurtures a culture that emphasizes trying new things while embracing the joys of being a teenager. We believe that this culture, together with Dublin’s rich history and stunning location, allows our students to grow in ways that they might have found unimaginable before Dublin.
Our size allows us to be intentional in everything we do. Whether that is beginning every day as a community in Morning Meeting - sharing stories and our talents - or in creating signature programs around Writing, Programming Robotics Imagination Science Math (PRISM), Spanish Language Learning, Endurance Sports, Theater, or Residential Life - everything has purpose. We believe in building a life of meaningful work that allows teenagers to find the deep satisfaction that is a byproduct of effort and achievement.
We hope you will take some time to learn more about what makes a Dublin education special. More importantly, we would love for you to come and spend a day imagining your Dublin!